[Online] IHTP LEADER – Leadership and Motivation of High Performance Teams

[Online] IHTP LEADER – Leadership and Motivation of High Performance Teams


(Curso totalmente leccionado em inglês)

Each day is notorious the importance of the leadership position in an organization because a true Leader is, for his team, the beacon that guides them during the storms that plague the day-to-day of organizations.

In this advanced and practical training program, you will learn the best practices, strategies, tools and techniques, with the incorporation of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and Coaching, which will transform you into the Leader you deserve and want to be. You will be challenged to be someone stronger, more confident, engaging, secure and motivated, able to develop an elite team using the new features you have discovered within you, capable of overcoming limiting beliefs and mastering the best influential communication practices used by the world’s best leaders.

By the positive way in which you will “touch” the lives of your team’s members, generating increasing performance and results, you will be able to see the genuine smile of an enthusiastic and committed team that lives and realizes a common dream.

Sign up right now for this course and come develop the potential that already exists within you and create an exciting vision of the fantastic future that you deserve.

Leadership is much more than managing. It is, in many cases, know how to set a good example” – Adelino Cunha

Why should you choose this I HAVE THE POWER LEADER course?

1. You will get your training in a company that has been on the market for over 17 years
2. Only company in Portugal with level 3 recognition by the Association for Coaching, a demanding and prestigious international entity that certifies companies and professionals in many countries.
3. Company with multiple awards and recognitions
4. It has recognized quality assurance and increased credibility in the market
5. Since we are an entity certified by DGERT, it is also a course that counts as professional training to add to your Individual Skills Register in Portugal
6. Course created by Dr Adelino Cunha and incorporating methods of leadership and team management that allowed him to win numerous awards in this area
7. Sure to be your right decision protecting your investment

What are you going to learn?

– How to improve your characteristics for the role of Leader.
– What’s the difference between managing and leading.
– How to improve your communication and relationship skills, connecting easily with anyone, on a personal and professional level.
– How to develop strategies to better understand and influence other people.
– How to inspire yourself and others to achieve high levels of performance.
– How to be more effective in managing your teams


Team Motivation

Basic needs – what all people seek
Motivation Structure
Structure to Accomplish More
Self-sabotage vaccine
Projecting high levels of confidence and self-esteem

Lead and Motivate High-Performance Teams

Manage versus Lead
Symptoms of Leadership at Risk
Characteristics of Successful Leaders
How to define and share Vision, Mission, and Values
Influence, Integrity, Attitude
Create leaders of leaders
Lead by example
5 high-performance team management models

COACHING in Leadership

Continuous Improvement Coaching
Individual Coaching and Application of Coaching in Teams
Results-oriented coaching


DR Adelino Cunha, founder of I Have The Power


21 hours of a major transformation in 7 days

1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th and 22nd June 2022

from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (Lisbon/London hour)

Zoom Platform

Registration includes:

– presence in an excellent course +
– course manual and complementary documentation +
– IHTP diploma *
– automatic registration in the IHTP LEADERSHIP Alumni + group
– 1% credit for future purchases.

Your huge opportunity is here for you, available only to a limited number of people, to be able to learn, directly with one of the greatest Portuguese experts in Leadership, what to do to put yourself at the level of the best.

Mais recomendações para comprares agora:


Quem viu também viu

Recomendar - IHaveThePower

Recomendar é simples e vai gerar fantásticos resultados para ti e para quem receber este teu convite.

Quem se registar no nosso site, por tua recomendação, vai de imediato ganhar:

  • subscrição automática do Pensamento motivacional do Dia
  • subscrição automática do Desafio da Semana para a Excelência Pessoal
  • o fantástico audiobook ATITUDES PARA VENCER 
  • a possibilidade de duplicar os créditos que acumula numa encomenda, se fizer a 1a encomenda nas 1as 72 horas
Para além de ganhares automaticamente os créditos que eles acumulem sempre que fazem uma compra no nosso site, vais gostar da satisfação que vais ter por veres os teus amigos a melhorar.

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Álvaro Magalhães – Porto – Portugal

Foram 3 dias muito agradáveis, vividos no meio de um grupo de pessoas excelente, a ouvir e viver ensinamentos muito importantes e que sem dúvida poderão ajudar qualquer pessoa a mudar a sua atitude na vida, a forma como encara os problemas, a motivação para a concretização de sonhos, enfim o criar de uma nova mentalidade na cabeça das pessoas. Dr. Adelino continue com o seu sonho. Obrigado pelos momentos vividos.

Margarida Guedes – Técnica de Recursos Humanos

O sistema I Have The Power propicia o alargamento de horizontes e a mudança de atitudes. Os eventos são autenticas “lufadas de ar fresco” na nossa vida, que nos fazem sentir pessoas melhores e capazes de tudo. O Dr. Adelino tem uma forma única, divertida e activa de incentivar os participantes fazendo com que se sintam pessoas especiais.

Adua Reis – Lisboa – Portugal

Obstáculos foram feitos para serem ultrapassados; metas para serem atingidas.I have the power é como o sol, às vezes não o conseguimos ver, pois o essencial é invisível para os olhos, mas ele está lá, há apenas que ter um pouquinho só de paciência e o verá totalmente descoberto, espalhando raios ofuscantes de prazer e alegria de viver. É a vida!

Ana Marques

“Antes demais dizer que AMEI o fim de semana, foi o melhor fim de semana da minha vida, apesar da derrota de Portugal. Por isso MUITO OBRIGADA MESMO, do fundo do coração. Se houvesse mais pessoas como o Adelino, o mundo seria um sítio magnífico de se Viver. “